The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC

Proprietary research

We offer proprietary research for industrial and non-industrial partners. Unlike to non-proprietary users (i.e. academic), different benefits are offered to proprietary users. The main benefits involve the guarantee of quick allocation of experimental time (up to 6 weeks) and the provision of full intellectual property (IP). Payment conditions can be obtained on request.

Support to proprietary users originating from various fields is one of our main objectives. ELI Beamlines offers experimental halls devoted to self-arranged proprietary access and joint collaborative projects with partners from industry, medicine, bio pharmacy, environmental science and arts & history. Access parameters for all users are always designed in accordance with specific user preferences. You can check our offer by disciplines, methods/techniques and equipment.

What further support can our industrial partners expect to get when they decide to join us?
• One contact partner who will take care of all activities and communication;
• senior scientific team ready to co-design and assist users in performing user experiments;
• experienced technicians and engineers, with bio labs, chemistry labs and a well-equipped mechanical workshop;
• administration and management staff, who handle finances and public-funded projects;
• safety department dedicated to the training of employees and the public;
• innovation management including patent attorney, legal advisory and technology transfer processes.

For more detailed information, please contact Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer (CITT).


Industry & Energy

ELI Beamlines facility is well suited for the study of interactions of intense laser with matter and materials at extreme conditions, i.e. high fields, strong magnetic interactions, under high pressure etc. We offer an opportunity to study even very thin film materials and e.g. shape memory alloys.

We are working on developing the Proton Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) and Deep Proton Activation Analysis (DPAA) techniques using laser-driven protons. These two methods can be combined to obtain data about the elemental composition of an item’s surface and even deeper layers (e.g. behind the corrosion).

Ultra short laser pulses at ELI Beamlines are dedicated to provide X-ray radiation with sub-picosecond duration, which might help make this process easier across different applications in imaging and analytical procedures. End user stations for X-ray sciences at ELI Beamlines offer applications in areas such as X-ray spectroscopy, fs magneto-optical spectroscopic ellipsometry (ELIPS) or computing tomography (CT). ELI Beamlines facility is also prepared for sc. hard X-ray science. It includes Phase Contrast Imaging (PCI) or X-ray fluorescence (XRF).

ELI Beamlines provides equipment suitable for different kinds of spectroscopies. You can check your samples using fs stimulated Raman scattering, transient absorption spectroscopy (XAS), transient IR spectroscopy (1 and 2D) and coherent control.

Due to intense energy available from the lasers at ELI Beamlines, a new method of efficient initiation of nuclear fusion has been made possible – Proton-Boron capture. It is a relatively clean way to produce nuclear fusion reactions (with no radioactive products and no high energy neutrons being produced). The lasers at ELI Beamlines have the necessary power to reach  extreme temperatures and to support reactions that result in a new positive of electrical energy.


At ELI Beamlines, we use our laser systems and expertise to solve critical issues in medicine, including cancer treatment, imaging techniques, radiobiological studies in general, studies of shape memory alloys, biocompatible coatings for implants, mid-IR radiation etc.

In tumor radiotherapy, we are continuously working on new methods of cancer treatment based on ion acceleration (ELIMAIA), innovations in proton therapy methods (PBCT) and high-energy electrons treatment (Instant Dose). In addition, X-ray spectroscopy in photo-activated therapy makes an integral part of a successful cancer treatment.

Hand in hand with cancer treatment go biological studies. At ELI Beamlines you can find laser-driven sources providing very short particle beam pulses. You can choose from protons, neutrons, electrons, gammas, X-rays, EUV, VIS, IR. The tracking of the evolution of molecular, aggregate or material systems on the ground and excited states as a function of femtosecond to nanosecond time delays is made possible by transient absorption spectroscopy (XAS), i.e. non-linear pump-probe spectroscopy

End user stations for X-ray sciences at ELI Beamlines, providing X-ray radiation with sub-picosecond duration, offer applications in scattering and diffraction (XRD), absorption spectroscopy (XAS) or computing tomography (CT).  A promising application of X-ray radiation is seen in phase contrast imaging (PCI). This technique provides high resolution images of the inner body. It is used to monitore a medicinal drugs distribution while the drug is being delivered into various parts of a human body, identifying which organs are affected, thusenabling biopharmaceutical analysis during the drug-approval process or drug-related scanning.

In some cases, irradiation in mid-IR range can be useful. Photothermal therapy (PTT), incl. photothermal ablation and photospallation, can be used in some cases for a successful cancer treatment.

Environmental sciences

Proton Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) and Deep Proton Activation Analysis (DPAA) can be used for studying aerosols, or trace elements in different samples with very low ppm concentrations.

Arts & History

Non-destructive techniques of Proton Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) and Deep Proton Activation Analysis (DPAA) are implemented with laser-driven protons to recognize the elemental composition (ranging from sodium to uranium) even with low ppm concentrations and at different layers of the object. These methods are suitable for (but not limited to) painted and glazed ceramics, statues, glass, jewelry, paintings, inks, and icons. As there is no need to use vacuum for testing, there is no risk of degradation caused by outgassing or dehydrating the tested items. Another advantage is no limitation of dimensions or shapes of tested samples.


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