General description:
The Visegrad collaboration around the ELI-Beamlines X-ray spectroscopy station has been established in early 2017. Rapid development of the collaboration led to a wide joint project application from representatives of two different fields – X-ray and optical spectroscopy. Typically, X-ray and optical spectroscopy communities have separate meetings and conferences. The unique feature of ELI BL is location of X-ray (available energy up to ~10 keV, pulse lengths in ps range, and development to higher energies is ongoing) and optical spectroscopy (available energy window of 4.6 eV down to 0.5 eV, pulse length in fs range) stations in the immediate vicinity, and relevant beamline scientists belong to one group. This makes possible to perform complementary studies that require use of both techniques. Within the Visegrad project, we aim at consolidation of leading V4 scientists from both fields to contribute to a synchronous development of ELI end stations and trigger new scientific ideas by combining expertise into a joint effort.
Project relevance and context:
The primary aim of our collaboration is to synchronously develop two neighboring end stations – X-ray spectroscopy and optical spectroscopy, and perform a unified research involving experts from both fields in two meetings and two experimental rounds for knowledge exchange and training of young specialists. Development of complementary stations at ELI BL in Czech Republic is of high relevance for the Visegrad region securing constant access for V4 scientists to high-level tools. A further goal of the collaboration is to maximize the spread of information about the activities and results of the project on the regional level through publications, conferences, social networks and local media. This will help the V4 scientific community to learn about open experimental opportunities, obtain skills in the use of new advanced technologies and maintain scientific progress.
Formation of a focused community familiar with the facility instruments, establishment of a simplified communication protocol and expansion of the scientific society by involving new V4 institutions is another ELI priority that can be reached by means of the Visegrad collaboration. These measures will open prospective for training of new specialists skilled at use of most advanced experimental techniques in the V4 countries. Development of the international collaboration group will increase scientific visibility of the region.
Project Personalities:
Anna Zymaková
Project coordinator
(X-ray spectroscopy part)
Miroslav Kloz
Project co-coordinator
(Optical spectroscopy part)
Jakob Andreasson
Leader for research program for Applications in Molecular,
Biomedical and Materials sciences
ELI Beamlines
Jakub Szlachetko
X-ray and optical spectroscopy, The Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences
György Vankó
Femtosecond Spectroscopy and X-ray Spectroscopy, Wigner Research Centre for Physics (WRCP)
Jacinto Sa
X-ray photon-in photon-out spectroscopy, Advanced spectroscopy (ultrafast infrared, transient absorption, ultrafast fluorescence,
Institute of Physical Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences (IChF)
Jozef Uličný
physical chemistry, using computational (molecular dynamics, multiscale modeling, ab initio and DFT simulations) and complementary spectroscopic experimental methods
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (UPJS)
Tamás Keszthelyi
Femtosecond and X-ray spectroscopy
Wigner Research Centre for Physics (WRCP)
Zoltán Németh
Femtosecond and X-ray spectroscopy
Wojciech Błachucki
X-ray spectroscopy
Joanna Czapla-Masztafiak
X‐ray spectroscopy on biological systems
I. Baranova, P. Čubáková (ELI BL)
X‐ray spectroscopy on biological systems
Planned activities:
1 Project meeting #1 Kick-off meeting (Event–Public), Dolní Břežany, CZ
3-days meeting. In the initial project meeting, the newest update in the X-ray and optical spectroscopy fields as well as the current state of ELI spectroscopy stations will be presented and discussed. Project details and milestones will be defined, a role of each cooperation partner will be designated. CELIXS organization will be discussed and general terms agreed.
2 Project meeting #2 Optical spectroscopy measurements (Event–Private), Dolní Břežany, CZ
3-week experimental run. For this experimental run, Fe porphyrin ultrafast transient optical and vibrational spectroscopy measurements are planned. Metal porphyrins are an important class of chemicals used in various photo-induced processes. Apart from being sensitizers, metal porphyrins can also act as photocatalysts. Optical spectroscopy typically does not provide as rich structural information as x-ray experiments however can be reliably conducted with sub 100 fs time resolution and time constant of the processes can be set accurately, creating solid basis for more demanding X-ray experiments.
3 Project meeting #3 X-ray spectroscopy measurements at ELI BL (Event–Private), Dolní Břežany, CZ
2-week experimental run. In this experimental run, monitoring of dynamics in Fe porphyrin will be performed by means of X-ray spectroscopy. This information will complement data achieved by optical and vibrational spectroscopy. The experimental run will be also used for assessment and comparison of different X-ray sources (Molybdenum-anode X-ray tube, water-jet plasma X-ray source, Cu-tape plasma X-ray source) applied with von Hamos spectroscopy setup.
4 Project meeting #4 Summary meeting in Krakow with SOLARIS synchrotron visit and seminar (Event–Public), Krakow, PL
At the final project meeting, achieved results and outputs will be discussed, plans and aims for further collaboration will be set. CELIXS activity will be reviewed. Acquired data will be analyzed, and strategies for publications will be agreed. Also, a seminar will be organized with the aim to report and promote project results. During this meeting, a SOLARIS synchrotron visit is planned. This visit will help to exchange user facilities expertise and establish new scientific connections.
Project fund:
Participating institutions:
Name of the organization in its native language: Instytut Fizyki Jądrowej im. Henryka Niewodniczańskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Name of the organization in English: The Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN)
Name of the organization in its native language: WIGNER Fizikai Kutatóközpont
Name of the organization in English: Wigner Research Centre for Physics (WRCP)
Name of the organization in its native language: Instytut Chemii Fizycznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Name of the organization in English: Institute of Physical Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences (IChF)
Name of the organization in its native language: Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach Prírodovedecká fakulta Ústav fyzikálnych vied
Name of the organization in English: Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (UPJS)