Number of publication of the mention of the grant: CZ306319
Title: Fixed target for nuclear fusion, apparatus for making nuclear fusion with this fixed target and method of making nuclear fusion with this apparatus
Number of publication of the mention of the grant: CZ305900
Title: Preparation process of power laser single crystal slabs based on ytterbium-doped garnet aluminates with ASE suppression
Number of publication of the mention of the grant: CZ306311
Title: Optical elements for constructing power laser systems and their preparation
Number of publication of the mention of the grant: CZ 307523 A method and a system of beam positioning and active beam position stabilization
Number of publication of the mention of the grant: CZ 307584
A method for de-aerating a liquid circulation system and a device for implementing this method
Number of publication of the mention of the grant: LU93102
Device and method for high dose per pulse radiotherapy with real time imaging
Number of publication of the mention of the grant: CZ307169
A compact system for characterization of the spectrum and of the profile of shortwave radiation beam intensity
Number of publication of the mention of the grant: EP2833365
Title: Laser fusion system and method
Utility models
Number of publication of the mention of the grant: CZ30454
Title: A multichannel fibre system of distribution of a signal pulse for laser amplifiers with frequency wobbled pulses and mutual femtosecond synchronization
Number of publication of the mention of the grant: CZ30731
Title: A vacuum optical chamber bushing with a multiple port
Number of publication of the mention of the grant: CZ30920
Title: An X-ray absorption spectrometry device optimized for low photon fluxes
Number of publication of the mention of the grant: CZ30838
Title: UV-VIS-NIR femtosecond ellipsometric system
Number of publication of the mention of the grant:CZ31582
Title: Zařízení pro kompenzaci teplotního gradientu podél frekvenci rozmítací Braggovy vláknové mřížky
Number of publication of the mention of the grant: 31590
Title: Pneumaticky ovládaná závěrka svazku částic
Number of publication of the mention of the grant: 31474 Title: Destičkový detektor elektronů
Number of publication of the mention of the grant: 30838 Title: UV-VIS-NIR femtosekundový elipsometrický systém
Number of publication of the mention of the grant: 30731 Title: Vakuová optická komorová průchodka s vícenásobným portem
Number of publication of the mention of the grant: 31189 Title: Detektor energie laserových svazků
Number of publication of the mention of the grant: 30454 Title: Vícekanálový vláknový systém distribuce signálního impulzu pro laserové zesilovače s frekvenčně rozmítnutými impulzy a vzájemnou femtosekundovou synchronizací