The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC

ELISS 2016


See and download the programme here:


The lectures are available here .

The registration starts at 9:00 in the main entrance foyer of the E”I Beamlines building.

The ELISS will be officially opened on August 22, 2016 at 9:30.

Poster Session
There is a poster session on the program on Monday, August 22. Participants can present their thesis, their work to other participants and lecturers. The size of posters is recommended A0 or A1. The poster session is compulsory part of the programme, please bring the posters with you. There isn´t any possibility to print out your poster on site.

The working language of the ELISS is English.


  • High-power ultrafast lasers
    – Generation and amplification of ultra-short laser pulses
    – High Average Power (HAP) DPSSL technology
    – High Energy (HE) DPSSL technology and applications
  • Generation of bright coherent and incoherent X-ray pulses using short pulse lasers
  • Free electron lasers from IR to x-rays
  • Ultrafast imaging techniques with short x-ray pulses
  • Function and applications of short x-ray pulses (including synchronizations)
  • Particle acceleration by lasers and applications: proton therapy
  • Physics of dense plasmas and warm dense matter, laboratory astrophysics
  • Ultra-intense laser matter interaction
  • Nuclear physics with high-intensity lasers
  • Femtoscience: applications in biology, chemistry and solid-state physics
  • Generation of attosecond pulses: Attoscience photonics


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