The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC

Basic information

Basic information

If you want to realize an experiment in the ELI Beamlines, you must complete an application form. After completing all the necessary data, the application form is sent to the User office. The User office will ensure the evaluation process of all proposals. Feedback about the outcome of the evaluation and allocation process will be provided to all Main Applicants as soon as possible, typically 6-8 weeks after the deadline of the call for proposals.

At the same time, more specific information will be provided to users in order to prepare for the experiment, in particular:

  • Information about the submission of information about the experimental team, confirmation of the samples or substances used during the experiments
  • Details about the general safety training, mandatory for all users
  • Information about the mandatory advance shipping notification concerning samples and other items needed for the experiment
  • A local contact familiar with the instrument setup will be assigned to coordinate support to the experiment.

The Main Applicant is responsible for collecting information, coordinating arrangements, and transmitting details about the experimental team to ELI Beamlines.

Beamtime is free of charge. The cost of accommodation and travel costs for the experimental team are covered by the parent organization.

For Call 0 „USER-ASSISTED COMMISSIONING of EXPERIMENTAL STATIONS in the E1 EXPERIMENTAL HALL of ELI BEAMLINES“ apply somewhat different conditions. For more details click here.


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Objevte, jak v ELI využíváme sílu slunce a efektivní kombinovanou výrobu energie ke snižování ekologické stopy a podpoře udržitelné budoucnosti.

Aktuální výkon
Výroba el. energie za 24h
Úspora emisí CO2e