The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC

General information about public transport

General information about public transport

Line A (Green)
– running east to west from Depo Hostivař to Nemocnice Motol
Line B (Yellow) – running east to west from Černý most to Zličín
Line C (Red) – running north to south from Letňany to Háje

There are three transfer stations in the city center where two lines intersect:

Můstek (lower end of Wenceslas Square) – lines A and B

Muzeum (upper end of Wenceslas Square) – lines A and C

Florenc (main bus station) – lines B and C

Trams (tramvaje) cover a large area of the city (with 500 km of tracks) and are used by some 300 million people a year. Daytime trams run from 4:30 a.m. till midnight in 8 – 10 minute intervals (8 – 15 minutes on weekends). Night trams (numbers 51 – 58) run from 00:30 a.m. till 4:30 a.m. in 40 minute intervals.

Regular tickets: Adults: 30 CZK (Kc) for 30 minutes / Adults: 40 CZK (Kc) for 90 minutes

Short-term (tourist) passes: 24-hour pass: 120 CZK / 3-day pass (72 hours): 330 CZK

More info about fares in Prague public trassport HERE

How to reach the ELI Beamlines in Dolní Březany by public transport?

Go to the metro (underground) station “Kačerov” (red line C) and continue by a bus No.331 or No. 333 to the stop “Dolní Břežany, Obecní úřad”.

See for more information.

ELI Beamlines recommends to use tested and reliable companies, for example:

You can make reservation via websites of these companies.



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