The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC

Travel information

Travel information

By plane

After arriving to the Václav Havel Prague Airport you can use a public transport.
Use a bus No. 119 and go to the final stop “Nadraží Veleslavín”, continue by subway (Metro, green line A) to the station “Muzeum”, change the line and continue in the direction “Háje” to the station “Kačerov”. Leave the metro and continue by bus No. 331 or 333 to the stop “Dolní Břežany, Obecní úřad”. This way can take around 2 hours. You will need a tickets for zones P+0+B+1+2 for 150 minutes (46 CZK).
Or you can go by a taxi. A price can be around 700-800 CZK and it takes 30-40 minutes. 1 EURO is aprox 25 CZK

By car

The ELI Beamlines is located about 10 km away from Prague, in the Central Bohemian Region.

GPS coordinates:

49.9623697N, 14.4544992E

By train

From the main railway station “Praha – Hlavní nádraží”

In case of arriving to the Prague main railway station “Praha, hlavní nádraží”, use the metro (red line C). Go in the direction “Háje” to the station “Kačerov”. Leave the metro and continue by bus No. 331 or 333 to the stop Dolní Břežany, Obecní úřad. The way takes around 1 hour. You will need a tickets for zones P+0+B+1 for 120 minutes
(40 CZK) or one ticket for 24 CZK (only for metro) and one additional ticket for a bus (bought directly on the bus). Or you can go by a taxi. A price can be around
400-500 CZK and it can take 30-40 min.


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