The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC

US – Extreme Light Infrastructure Scientific Dialogue

Initiated and sponsored by the US Embassy in the Czech Republic, a US – ELI dialogue event is taking place at ELI Beamlines on 21-22 February 2019. More than 40 representatives from US research organizations, technological companies and funding agencies will meet the scientific and management leadership of ELI to discuss future cooperation between the US and ELI.

ELI already enjoys strong ties with US labs and companies, who took an active part in the development and delivery of some of the ELI laser systems, in particular the L3 and L4 systems at ELI Beamlines. The event comes one year after the publication of the report “Opportunities in Intense Ultrafast Lasers: Reaching for the Brightest Light” by the US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The event aims to strengthen engagement and cooperation with the American scientific community in ELI.
Nobel prize physicist and father of ELI Gérard Mourou will speak at the 2-day workshop. Also attending the event are the Deputy Minister of Education in the Czech Republic Pavel Doleček, and the American Ambassador in Prague Stephen King, First Secretary for Scientific and Technical Affairs at the American Embassy in Budapest Katia Bennett, as well as eminent representatives of leading US laboratories.



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