The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC


The L3 laser system called HAPLS (The High-Repetition-Rate Advanced Petawatt Laser System) is designed to deliver PW pulses with energy of at least 30 J and durations <30 fs, at a repetition rate of 10 Hz. This system was developed at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, with ELI-Beamlines cooperating on the development of the PW pulse compressor, the short-pulse diagnostics, and the short-pulse part controls and timing.

The L3 HAPLS pump engine with design pulse energy of 200 J employs two Nd-doped glass amplifiers operating at 10 Hz and cooled by helium gas. Each amplifier is pumped by high power laser diode arrays, each providing an 800-kW peak power. These are the highest peak-power pulsed laser diode arrays in the world.

The femtosecond pulses are generated in a titanium-doped sapphire amplifier.

The L3 HAPLS system will also include real-time controls and a timing system, which will make it possible to synchronize its operation to the facility’s electronic master clock and later to a femtosecond-precision laser clock.

L3-HAPLS: High repetition rate Advanced Petawatt Laser System Schematic February 2021

Design parameters Current parameters
(Feb 2021)
Output pulse energy (main beam compressed) >30 J in single aperture 13.3 J in single aperture
Pulse duration <30 fs FWHM 27.3 fs FWHM
Repetition rate 10 Hz 3.3 Hz
Peak power 1 PW 490 TW
Power contrast Initial 1:10-9 @ 50 ps, then optimized at ELI to 1:10-11 @ 50 ps
Pump laser technology DPSSL DPSSL
Short pulse laser technology CPA: Ti:sapphire single aperture CPA: Ti:sapphire single aperture
Output laser pulse energy RMS stability Better than 0.6% rms
Output laser beam RMS pointing stability <10 µrad 2 µrad RMS radial
Beam format Rectangular superGaussian, single aperture Rectangular superGaussian, single aperture
Beam size of compressed beam 214×214 mm 214×214 mm
Beam quality (encircled energy in a diffraction limited spot) 0.5

L3 Experimental programme:

Bedřich Rus,

The video of HAPLS:

L3 HAPLS laser

L3 during D8 run

PW compressor

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