The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC

ELI – German Users Workshop in Dresden, Germany

It is the first ESFRI project which will be fully implemented in the newer EU Member States, with research facilities (pillars) located in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania. ELI uses a novel funding model combining the use of EU structural funds (ESIF) and national funds for the construction, and Member contributions to a European Research Infrastructure Consortium, ELI-ERIC, which is about to be funded, for the operation.


As ELI is heading towards the operational phase of the 3 pillars, scientific workshops, jointly organized with the scientific communities of the ELI-DC Member states, aim at providing an overall picture of the research opportunities that ELI facilities can offer.
In Germany, ELI scientists will present the implementation status and the research opportunities offered by the three pillars of ELI to the German scientific community, the German scientists will have the opportunity to present their main interests in the use of ELI and to discuss them with ELI scientists.
The German ELI user workshop will start with a visit of ELI Beamlines in Dolni Brezany and will continue with presentations and discussions in Dresden.

A detailed agenda, and a link to the workshop web page allowing participants’ registration will be provided soon.

Organizing Committee:
Martin Aeschlimann (Technische Universitat Kaiserslautern)
Stefan Karsch (Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik)
Stephan Kraft (HZDR)
Catalin Miron (ELI-DC) – ELI Scientific / Co-Chair
Norbert Pietralla (Technische Universitat Darmstadt)
Mariann Réda (ELI-DC)
Markus Roth (Technische Universitat Darmstadt)
Roland Sauerbrey (HZDR)
Stefanie Schilling (ELI-DC)
Barbara Schramm (HZDR)
Ulrich Schramm (HZDR) – German Scientific / Co-Chair
Marc Vrakking (Max-Born-Institut Berlin)
Andreas Zilges (Universitat zu Koln)