The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC

Hadron Therapy and Its Importance in Medicine

The aim of the project Strengthening capacity of research teams in the field of physical sciences is to strengthen the current research team in the field of physical sciences, creation of working position for postdoctoral fellows and their integration within these teams. 11 postdoctoral fellows will be chosen by proper tenders and will work on research and development tasks of synergy projects ELI and HiLASE. The main objective of the project is the transfer of knowledge and know-how from postdoctoral fellows to the target groups through the complex educational program at Univeristies and Research Institutions.

On June 19th at 2 PM the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen of the Charles University in Prague will host a lecture of ELI Beamlines postdoctoral fellow Dr. Valentina Scuderi.

The lecture will be held in English.


This project has been funded with support from the European Social Fond and from Government Budget of the Czech Republic.