Event date: 24. 10. 2014
October 24th, 2014
Organizers: T. Levato, D. Margarone, A. Hala, G. Korn
HELL – DUR 2014 HELL Experimental Platform – Detailed User Requirements Workshop
October 24th, 2014
Organizers: T. Levato, D. Margarone, A. Hala, G. Korn
Program 8.50-9.00
Welcome at HiLASE facility (T. Mocek)
Presentations (15+5 min):
- Experimental Programs at ELI-Beamlines (G. Korn / D. Margarone)
- The electron acceleration experimental platform: HELL (T. Levato)
- High quality and stable laser driven electron bunches and future user applications (V. Malka)
- Introduction of Biomedical Center in Plzen (J. Polivka and M. Kralickova)
Coffee break
Short presentations (7+2 min):
- Technology transfer opportunities at ELI-Beamlines (A. Hala)
- Radiolysis/Radiobiology experiments with electron beams: what are the most interesting parameters? (M. Precek)
- Low energy tail electron “cleaner” and their transport to the “user station”: what are the most useful electron diagnostics? (G. Grittani)
Open discussion
- Potential applications of laser driven electron beams: user requirements
- Implementation of the HELL experimental platform and wide potential use
- New emerging schemes to be accommodated in the HELL platform
- Advanced diagnostics for electrons
- Commissioning and enabling experiments
Lunch break and group photo
Presentations (15+5 min) on:
- Electron acceleration with 10PW-class lasers (J. Viera and L. Silva)
- Realistic scenarios for non-linear inverse Compton scattering experiments ( Vranic and L. Silva)
- Electron acceleration and counter-propagation experiments at APRI-GIST: capability and preliminary tests (T.M. Jeong)
Coffee break
Short presentations (7+3 min):
- Multi-Lanex monitors for laser driven electron beam characterization: what are the limits of this diagnostics? (M. Krus)
- Calibration of pixel-like detectors for gamma-rays: what are the limits in maximum energy and resolution? (A. Fajstavr, T.Levato, M. Krus)
Open discussion:
- New Physics with high energy electrons: what shall we look at? Which dedicated diagnostics?
- Flexibility for a future upgrade of the HELL platform
- Potential impact on technology transfer with industry and other research bodies
- Possible use of innovative diagnostics and software for commercialization (e.g. offer to other institutions, industrial users, etc.)
ELI-Beamlines site (tour)
Social dinner (Dolni Brezany)