The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC

Registration is open for the ELI User Meeting 2025

The 2025 ELI User Meeting will be held on 18-20 June 2025 in Szeged, Hungary, hosted at the ELI ALPS Facility. ELI’s core user event provides an opportunity for exchange and collaboration while showcasing recent scientific results. The UM 2025 agenda features Thematic Workshops on emerging technologies and instrumentation, dedicated sessions for User Experiment ExchangeFacility Tours, Networking Activities, and a Poster Session to highlight distinguished scientific work.

Why attend UM 2025?

  • Learn more about the Extreme Light Infrastructure’s scientific offer for users and how to prepare successful user proposals.
  • Stay up-to-date on the latest developments and trends in laser science with presentations, discussions and networking opportunities.
  • Participate in interactive sessions featuring leading experts in key technologies, instrumentation, and mission-based access areas.
  • Discover opportunities for new initiatives and cooperation to advance your research.
  • Connect with fellow scientists from diverse facilities and fields.
  • Present your work during the Poster Session!



The ELI User Meeting offers a unique opportunity to connect with a diverse scientific community at the forefront of laser research and technology. Participation is free of charge, but the number of seats is limited, so make sure to secure your place as soon as possible!

For further information about the scientific programme and registration, visit the ELI User Meeting event page.


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