The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC

The Extreme Light Infrastructure Joint User Meeting 2022 started

The Extreme Light Infrastructure Joint User Meeting 2022 started on Wednesday, November 2nd,2022.

This event is intended for scientific users who want to collaborate with our scientific teams on their unique experiments.
Wednesday’s program included the following workshops:

🔸 Foam Target Workshop (
🔸 Science with Laser-driven X-ray Sources (
🔸 Laser-Plasma Ion Sources at the ELIMAIA Beamline (
🔸 Strong Field Physics at ELBA (

And the event is attended by 88 scientists physically and another 220 online. The event will last until November 9.
We are pleased about such extensive participation and look forward to exciting discussions and meetings with many fascinating scientific colleagues worldwide.


Thursday programme:

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Plenary day

09:00 – 18:00

Allen Weeks, ELI ERIC Director General

Introduction & Overview

Katalin Varjú, ELI ALPS Science Director

ELI ALPS Overview and Status

Daniele Margarone, ELI Beamlines Director of Sci.& Oper.

ELI Beamlines Overview and Status


Calin A. Ur, ELI Nuclear Physics Director

ELI Nuclear Physics Overview and Status

Florian Gliksohn, ELI ERIC Executive Director

ELI Call for Users

Lunch Break

ELI ALPS Research Developments Highlights

Giuseppe Sansone (Albert Ludwig Uni.of Freiburg, Ger.)

The NonlinearATTO project

Majed Chergui (EPFL, Switzerland)

Ultrafast spectroscopy measurements of liquid solutions

under vacuum

Martin Aeschlimann (TU Kaiserslautern, Germany)

Spin and time-resolved momentum microscopy on solid



ELI Beamlines Research Developments Highlights

Theresa Staufer, Universität Hamburg, Germany

Perspectives of X-ray fluorescence imaging (XFI)

Marcel Mudrich, Aarhus University, Denmark

XUV Spectroscopy and Imaging of Helium Nanodroplets

Mario Manuel, General Atomics

Developing Technologies at General Atomics for Rep-rated

Operation of High-Energy-Density-Physics Experiments

Marco Borghesi, Queens’ University Belfast, UK

Research Opportunities in Ion Acceleration and

Applications on the ELIMAIA Beamline


ELI Nuclear Research Developments Highlights

Kazou Tanaka (ELI-NP)

Introduction of User Proposals and their scope in future

Philip Bradford (CELIA, France)

Dispersion Relation and Pulse Shaping of Femtosecond

Laser-Driven Transient Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields

Daniel Ursescu (ELI-NP)

Spectral broadening of large aperture vortex beams

Summary / Wrap-up